Conscious MIllionaire Podcast Discusses Goodology with Bernie Fallon

I am happy with the content in this episode of the Conscious MIllionaire. Conscious Millionaire is a book and a radio podcast by J V Crum, III. We discussed...
Positive Influence

Georgia Football Star is Positive Influence Through Reading

Positive Influence - Be like Malcolm. Here's a story of positive influence that will make you smile. I didn't know what to expect when I watched it, but I am...

Pittsburgh Detective Shows Kindness to Abused and Neglected Brothers

Detective Shows Kindness to Abused Brothers Hero Story - This is the type of hero story that we love and need in the world. Jack Mook is a tough detective...

Just Decide! Make a Decision! Is This Deep Enough?

Goals and Intentions of The Goodology Podcast and the Word, "Decide" Obviously, the message of The Goodology Podcast is positive influence. I want to inspire people. I want to increase...

Renee Siegel Overcoming Addictions to Wellness with the Enneagram

Renee Siegel has been a highly sought after and recognized international leader in the fields of wellness and addictions counseling for over 35 years. Even with all that accomplishment,...

Fiona Fine is a Babe In Total Control of Herself

As an Author, Speaker, and Publisher, Fiona Fine is growing a movement for women to live and love on their terms. Her new book is Babe In Total Control...