Small Acts of Kindness

Small Acts of Kindness are Big

Small Acts of Kindness are Big! A helping hand doesn't need to be big in size. Small acts of kindness are the helpful attitude that matters the most. There are...
happy with an act of kindness

Patriot’s Fan Happy with an Act of Kindness

Patriot's Fan Happy with an Act of Kindness Joey Jacobsen was 10 years old when the woodcutting accident happened. He's come a long way since and is happy with an...
Landon Johnson is Nice not Naughty

Santa Shows Autistic Boy He is Nice not Naughty

Autistic Boy is Nice not Naughty! Landon Johnson will be fine in his life. But, he got hung up on something he had been told by adults. They have said, "you...
Donald Trump

Donald Trump is Good for Something!

Donald Trump is Good!? Doanld Trump is good for what? Someone said he's, "a good for nothing imbecile." Huh? Stop that. Come on. Everyone has value. Blanket statements are usually flawed (Trump's...
Homeless Children See Life Through a New Lens

Homeless Children See Through a New Lens

Homeless Children - New Lens One hundred percent of the student population is at or below the poverty line. Homeless children are the largest percentage. So, the lens through which these...
Andrea Harrington for State Senate

Andrea Harrington for State Senate

Positive Example for State Senator I am writing to encourage you to do two things: 1. Vote on Thursday September 8th in the Western Massachusetts Senate Election. 2. Make that vote for...