Bunny with Piglets for a Smile
Photos To Make You Smile.
Actually take an extra long look at the photo. Ahh. :-)
This is a story from BuzzFeed that shows photos of a rabbit and piglets. This...
98 Year Old Man Begs for Money with a Twist
People's image of me is unimportant.
A 98 year old Bulgarian man has spent most of his days and has spent most of his life begging. For years. Dobri Dobrev...
Desire can move mountains
What can you accomplish is your desire is strong enough? You can carve a road through a mountain using a hammer, a chisel and nails. You could!
Dasrath Manjhi's desire...
Stranger Helps Stranded Family
When driving to your vacation spot, you generally want to reach your destination. You have plans and visions. It can get more tense when you chart your progress and...
Homeless Man Finds 42K and Returns it to Owner!
What would you do if you found $42,000 on the street? That's a tough question especially if you are homeless. This man named Glen James put a smile on...
Powerful Video Shows Giving
A powerful 3 minute video showing a store owner giving a lasting gift coincided with a thought that I had this morning about the origin of the word Goodology®. It...