Brake Mechanic – from Homeless to Purpose
Hakeem Muhammad lost everything. He lost his job, his wife, and his home each for separate reasons. Now, homeless, what would he do?
Some folks in that situation, drink, do...
Young Man Overcomes Speech Impediment and Bullying
This is such a good video. It's a sweet story of a young boy that overcomes a speech impediment and bullying.
It had reached a point where he wanted to leave...
Beautiful Letter to Santa from 6 Year Old
A six year old girl heard her mother say that some children don't get presents for Christmas - even if they are on the 'good list'. The comment was...
Four Random Acts of Kindness
Random Acts of Kindness
Basketball Player’s Supportive Attitude Earns Scholarship
James Montgomery received an unexpected reward for his hard work, for his contribution and for his GOOD attitude. Montgomery is a Santa Monica, CA native who is attending Northwestern...
Feeding Pizza to the Homeless
A prank phone call leads to feeding pizza to the homeless Ohio. A simple prank call to a pizza shop surprises a couple of men.
Random Prank of Kindness
Initially, I...