Kindness is a Super Power in West Stockbridge, MA
Kindness is the Greatest Power
In running for selectman in West Stockbridge, I was told to highlight my experience with managing budgets, negotiating contracts, planning, forecasting, listening to customers and providing...
Four Year Old Girl Angel For “Old Man”
Four Year Old Girl Angel For "Old Man"
When 82-year-old Dan Peterson lost his wife, he fell into a deep depression. He was ready to give up on life until...
Five Most Philanthropic Pro Basketball Players
The Five Most Philanthropic Pro Basketball Players
by Jason Gordon
Just like any other professional sport, having a successful career in the NBA can be a very lucrative proposition. As with...
George Michael’s Good Acts of Kindness
George Michael's Good Acts
There are many stores of George Michael's good acts of kindness, which have surfaced after his death.
1. Woman on Deal or No Deal
A woman on Deal...
Abdul Sattar Edhi Father Teresa: Legacy of Compassion
Abdul Sattar Edhi Called Father Teresa
He was one of the most important public figures in Pakistan. He came to Pakistan totally broke, "My parents never wanted to ask anyone for...
Third Grade Students Study “The Golden Rule”
Students Produce Poem from "The Golden Rule"
A third grade team of students at Muddy Brook Elementary School in Great Barrington, MA are working on a thoughtful project that relates to...