Homeless Children See Life Through a New Lens

Inspiring Journey for Underprivileged Kids

These kids got outside of themselves and saw the world - through photography. Many homeless and underprivileged children from Children First Academy in Phoenix, Arizona felt an extreme sense...

Bank Turns an ATM into an Automated Thanking Machine

This is a worthwhile (and emotional) short video of an ATM (Automated Thanking Machine). In a world of social media, companies are beginning to spend some advertising dollars this...

Jason Matthews: Better You Better Me

Jason Matthews caught my attention with a great new personal development book called, "Better You Better Me." Jason has been a writer for several years and has written many...

Angel of The Gap Prevented Suicides in Australia

There is a cliff known as "The Gap," that is the most famous suicide spot in Australia. It's estimated that one person per week commits suicide at The Gap....

Blind Man Builds His Own House

Overcoming Obstacles: I like to share stories of people overcoming obstacles. This story has at least two to note. Thomas Graham is a blind man from Tyler, Texas who didn't...

The Companionship of Baby and Pit Bull is Beautiful

There are some things that make you smile and feel peace in the world. This is one. The trust and companionship that the baby and pit bull share is...