Karen Shell Inspires Homeless Children

Karen Shell with Kids in Focus
Karen Shell with Kids in Focus

Karen Shell is a professional photographer who has found a way to help the kids see the world around them a different way. She has helped them build confidence! They have been referred to homeless children and disadvantaged. But, we’d prefer not to speak of them as disadvantaged – because they have all the abilities of anyone. The inner energy, confidence and ability of the children is ready to shine.

Kids in Focus is her Karen’s own creation where she takes kids who ‘may be’ referred to as disadvantaged, but these kids has as much heart and ability as any.  They live in their heart and pour out their heart on projects. Karen’s focus is to get the kids out of themselves for a little while. She wants them to see the world around them and does that by teaching how to take photos. From this, they do begin to see the world around them in a different way.

Amazing images of people, buildings, streets, objects and nature were on display at the Phoenix Public Library. The kids had a book published. Their are prints available.  You can find it all on Karen’s websites and Facebook page.

Kids in Focus website is here.

Kids in Focus Facebook page is here.

Karen Shell’s company Shell Photographics is here.

Karen’s likes:

  1. Exploring
  2. Grow
  3. Give

Karen’s passion:

  1. Life, her work, people in her life, this planet … LIFE
Great photo of the fireman next door.
Great photo of the fireman next door.
The book is a finished product.
The book is a finished product.
And he should be proud of his work.
And he should be proud of his work.
Explaining her thoughts on her picture.
Explaining her thoughts to a mentor.
Karen Shell with a Student
Karen Shell with a Student
Now he has his own book published.


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