AOK Acts of Kindness Day in Chappaqua is Oct. 23

AOK Acts of Kindness in Chappaqua NY

AOK Acts of Kindness

Here’s a cool thing for a community to do. AOK Acts of Kindness Day is October 23rd in Chappaqua, NY. Post cards and messages will be delivered throughout town with messages of kindness and positivity. “Perform a kind act for someone, then leave the card if you choose.”

As the Chappaqua Patch reports…

Kindness can have a ripple effect. With your help, we can all benefit from a kind act!” said Evy Rosen, creator and organizer of the event and the Council of Kindness formed from all the friends who helped her brainstorm.

Yes, kindness ‘is’ an everyday event. But, a day like this in Chappaqua kick starts and re-calibrates people in their compass of kindness. As a community they are doing what they can to make the world a better place. However much kindness they pack into a 24-hour period, this day will have lasting effects on people.

Evidence based studies show that acts of kindness reduce stress, promote positivity, and improve overall health for the giver, receiver, and observer, Rosen said. Kindness enhances feelings of joyfulness, and boosts one’s sense of happiness, optimism, and self-worth. Pro-social activities like acts of kindness can create a sense of community and social connection, inspire belonging and bridge the emotional distance between people.

Click the link if you would like to visit their Facebook Page. Have a great AOK Acts of Kindness day!


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