George Michael’s Good Acts of Kindness

George Michael's Good Acts of Kindness

George Michael’s Good Acts

There are many stores of George Michael’s good acts of kindness, which have surfaced after his death.

1. Woman on Deal or No Deal

A woman on Deal or No Deal needed In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. It was tweeted by Richard Osman that Michael secretly phone her the next day and gave her the money.

2. Relief in Ethiopia

He helped raise more than $24 million for relief in Ethiopia with the Band Aid single, “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”

He gave millions to Childline, the 24-hour counseling service for young people, according to US Magazine.

3. Terrence Higgins Trust:

George Michael also contributed to this fund, which helps fight HIV in the UK. said that the best way to honor Michael is to donate to this cause.

4. Anonymous at Homeless Shelter

5. Children’s Dental Care in Africa

6. Free Concert for Nurses

Michael also played a free concert for the nurses who took care of his mother, who was battling cancer.

7. Donated £25,000 to a Crying Stranger in a Cafe

He gave a waitress a check in the amount of £25,000 or a stranger who was crying because she was in debt.

8. Helped Small Charities

George Michael's Good Acts Small Charities Still Afloat

9. Donated Jesus to a Child Royalties

He donated all of the royalties from the 1996 hit, Jesus to a Child to charity. According to the, "Childline founder and president Dame Esther Rantzen revealed that Michael had given the royalties from his 1996 number one single Jesus To A Child to the charity."

10. For the Disabled

11. Offered Hundreds of Free Tickets to Hospital Staff in Austria

After he was treated for pneumonia, he thoughtfully sent tickets to the staff. Read about it here. 

12. He was Secret and Humble

Most of this he did secretly because he apparently didn't want to draw attention. George Michael's Good Acts of Kindness were kept relatively quiet while he was alive.

Have a great day.

Here's another video about the kindness of George Michael.


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