11-Year Old Humble Hero Saves Man From Drowning

11 Year Old Humble Hero Saves Man
11 Year Old Humble Hero Saves Drowning Man

Humble Hero Saves Drowning Man

Here is the story of an 80-pound Humble Hero who saved the life of a drowning man at the pool of his apartment building. A 34-year-old man slipped into water that was too deep to touch. He was literally drowning at the bottom of a pool.

No one at the pool could swim and would be able to save the man who sunk eyes wide open. His dad tried to reach his hand out from a flotation device to save the man.

11-year old Advaik Nandikotkur has been taking swimming lessons for the last three years, he was the only option here. He said, “My mom told me to jump in. I said, ‘he’s probably too heavy,’ but I jumped in anyway. He grabbed the unconscious man’s left hand. He lifted him and towed him to the surface and toward the edge.

The man was pulled out of the pool. His uncle performed CPR to complete the saving of the day.

After coming to Minnesota from India, Advaik’s dad said the boy should take swimming lessons for his own survival skills. The modesty of Advaik is inspiring. He’s a humble hero.


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